Harmful Effects of Gender Fluidity.
One of my favorite things to do in my free time is go home to visit my nephews. One of them is four, and the other’s two. They love to play the game Batman so the minute I walk in the door, I become Cat Woman while they play the part of Batman and Robin. Usually, this ends with me on the floor, one nephew tackling me and the other mid-jump flying towards me in the air. Honestly, some of my favorite memories have been made this way and I’m honored to be called Cat Women haha. To this friendly interaction, I’d usually say “boys will be boys”, but as of late, that ideology has been under attack, some even terming this thought process as “toxic masculinity”. What about the fact that boys will be boys? They are biologically different from girls; thus, they’re going to act in a different way.
there’s the obvious differences, males and females are born with different sex organs,
but it’s more than that. It’s not social construct or the way someone is raised,
it’s biological! Even from the very beginning, days after or even the day of
birth, there are noticeable differences between girls and boys. For example,
male newborns have a stronger startle response than their female counterparts.
At the same time, female newborns have a stronger tendency for facial focus
then males do. These simple actions are indicative of some gender specific
character traits. The fact that boys are more aware of their surroundings and
startle easier shows their God-given inclination to protection, while also
showing their disposition to be more action oriented. For female babies, the
way they channel their attention to the faces of others, is correlated with their
tendency to be more nurturing and intimate. These are just a few examples, but
many exist and I would encourage you to look outside your typical research
strategies to find more information.
You might
be asking yourself, “why does all this even matter?”. Today’s society will tell
you the only thing that really matters is how someone feels or how they act. If
a boy plays with girls’ toys, he must be a girl, right? Wrong, and this ideology
could actually be harmful to our society and young children. Creating “gender fluid”
world is just plain confusing. When a kid is raised thinking they can just choose
what they want to be, it can encourage transition form one sex to another. Most
often, following transition, depression and suicide rates increase. Along with
this, hormone treatments associated with the change have been proven to increase
medical problems in the future. The reality is, when we let children decide
what gender that want to be, we’re really doing them more harm than good.
With this
knowledge, it’s important to make others aware. I feel a personal responsibility
to protect people, especially young children, from the idea that gender is fluid
and that there’s no real consequences for changing it. Each of us is born with
certain unalienable rights, one of which I believe is to live a happy life. When
transition and sex equality are encouraged, we take this right away from
people. The negative effects that accompany a life like this are too tremendous
to overlook. So how do we take action. We speak up! We make sure we’re
supporting and electing individuals who have taken time to REALLY research and
understand these social issues. When we take a stand, the world becomes a
better place, and we can be happy knowing we’ve done our part to protect the
rights given to us so generously by God.
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